We recently remortgaged our house in the UK and moved it to a Buy-To-Let mortgage to facilitate renting it out. There were a variety of Remortgage Deals available on the market, so it was quite a hassle to evaluate which one to go for. Luckily there are a number of financial advisers who are quite ready to help with your decision, mostly because of the commission they get for their work, and partly because they try to sell you other services once they have made a client out of you. My advice is always to shop around, see if you can find the best deal and then go for it.
The biggest problem with mortgages is that the market can be quite volatile. Over the last few years, the Bank of England base rate has been increasing, in a bid to slow down inflation; this has the effect of making borrowing more expensive and increasing the cost of servicing your mortgage. The recent news about problems in the loan markets, especially the most recent run on Northern Rock adds uncertainty to the market, however may prove to be instrumental in reducing the base rate. We’ll see. Unfortunately what you need in this case is really a crystal ball. I wonder where I can get one .. anyone know ?